Bryngaer Garnfadryn Hillfort |
Mae'n ymddangos fod yna ddau gyfnod o adeiladu hen fryngaeiriau ar Garnfadryn. Gyda Chaer canol oesol ar y copa. Mae'r cyfnod cyntaf yn cynnwys 12 acer, ac yn dyddio o gwmpas 300 C.C.. Cafodd y rhain eu hail godi yn ystod yr ail gyfnod, ac ymestyn hyd at gau i mewn 26 acer o dir. Mae'r ail gyfnod hwn o atgyfnerthu tua 100 C.C. Cafodd y 'castell' ar y copa ei gwbwlhau mae'n debyg yn 1188, gan feibion Owain Gwynedd sef Rhodri a Maelgwn. Mae yna dystiolaeth ysgrifenedig am hyn.-[Giraldi Cambrensis Opera(rolls series, 1868), VI, p123 'dua castra lapidea de nova sita fuerunt; unum...Deutrait; capite Lhein, quod erat filium Oenei, cui nomen Karnmadrun.'] |
There seems to be two phases of ancient hillfort building on Garnfadryn, followed by a medeival fortification of the summit. The first period at Garn Fadryn at about 300 B.C. Enclosed the summit and an area of some 12sq acres. These were re-fortified during a second period, and enclosed a wider area towards the north of a total of about 26sq acres. This second period of re-enforcement being at around 100 B.C. The third fort which strengthens the natural crag near the summit is thought to be 'the castle of the sons of Owain', mentioned in 1188 as being newly built. [Giraldi Cambrensis Opera(rolls series, 1868), VI, p123 'dua castra lapidea de nova sita fuerunt; unum...Deutrait; capite Lhein, quod erat filium Oenei, cui nomen Karnmadrun.'] |
Bryngaer | Hillforts |
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